Case Study – Cue


Marjorie Stern Jackson

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About Cue 

We recently sat down with Estiaan Schoombie, the Finance Manager at Cue, (known as Apex Visibility in South Africa). They’re an omnichannel communication software provider, based across South Africa and the UK, that aims to help their customers solve customers service issues via their various communication touchpoints. They also build customised chatbots. Hear from Estiaan himself in the video below!

Key issues faced 

One of the main issues that Cue’s finance team previously faced was the time spent setting up, tracking, and updating their KPIs. In particular, Estiaan highlighted that the myriad of different SaaS metrics out there make it hard to have the right information at your fingertips, especially as a business grows and plans to raise investment. 

All of this takes time and has meant that in the past, his team have needed to spend hours manually reconciling information and ensuring data accuracy – time which could be better spent on new initiatives to grow the business. 

Integrating with Cue’s accounting and CRM systems

Currently, the Cue team use Xero and HubSpot. They’ve already integrated Xero, and are planning to connect their HubSpot account soon. This has meant that for Estiaan, “Scale XP is slowly but surely becoming our central source of truth in the business.”

Preparing for investors and funding rounds

Since starting with ScaleXP, Estiaan has been impressed by the customisable nature of the 40+ SaaS metrics available. This has been helpful for when senior stakeholders in the wider business need accurate, up-to-date information, but also for potential new investment. 

“Being able to rely on the information that we’ve got in ScaleXP speeds up the impact on the wider business. It’s allowed me to provide our directors and potential investors with real-time information on our SaaS metrics which makes discussion and understanding of where we are, and where we’re headed as a company much easier.”

SaaS revenue recognition with ScaleXP

When discussing the different features available in the platform, Estiaan was particularly keen to highlight how useful ScaleXP’s revenue recognition capabilities are. As a SaaS company, most of their revenue is relatively consistent and follows a predictable monthly pattern. However, some of their legacy offerings are a bit more varied and are unsuited to a one-size-fits-all approach. ScaleXP’s sophisticated natural language algorithms read and process all data and text on invoices, meaning that despite these variations in invoice duration, amounts and products, revenue recognition schedules are a breeze to prepare.

So, why ScaleXP?

“ScaleXP has allowed us to save between 3 and 5 days a month… There were a few platforms we looked at that are similar to ScaleXP, but they lacked some features and customisation, or came in at a much higher price point. All things considered, I couldn’t be happier with the decision we took to go with ScaleXP.”

Estiaan explains best himself why ScaleXP was the right choice for Cue (scroll back up to the top to watch the full video). If you’d like to find out more about how ScaleXP can help your own organisation, please book a demo at a time that suits you here.

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